Greetings, everybody! Sorry for the lack of posts here lately. I’ve had a great deal going on, and not just in the great blue yonder. Sometimes it takes a little while to breathe and reboot, and while I missed updating you on my wayfaring shenanigans, I definitely needed the break.
With that said, a great deal has happened since I last told you about the {Greek festival} Belle and I attended here in Charlotte. Rather than try to mash it all together in one post, I’ll do several updates this week, in the order they transpired.
First off the list, Belle and I had recurrent training! As I mentioned previously, recurrent training is basically a day-long review of all the emergency procedures, drills, equipment operation, and medical training we completed {back in Phoenix}. Since we only graduated in March, we weren’t terribly anxious about passing. What we didn’t expect was to meet the lady who has not only been a flight attendant the longest with US Airways, but also of any other airline! Her name is Bette Nash, and she’s {somewhat of a celebrity}. She started with Eastern airlines in 1961 and has been flying ever since. In other words, she is the senior mama of all the senior mamas! Back in her day, you were only hired as a flight attendant if you had a nursing degree, were stunningly beautiful, single and under the age of 28. After you were married, or got “old”, you had to quit. How times change!
She was doing her recurrent training as well ( though she’s been doing it so long its a wonder she doesn’t just teach it herself!) Even though she’s in her 70′s (or maybe early 80′s), she’s still sharp as a whip, spirited and very funny. Belle and I asked to have our pictures taken with her, and she happily obliged. I was such a fan-girl! If I can manage to do anything for 50 years, I’ll feel like I’m winning at life.
A whopping 5 days after our recurrent training was the end of our flight attendant 6 month probationary period. It’s hard to imagine half a year has passed since that fateful graduation day, where we counted our lucky stars for making it through 4.5 weeks of training. Now we are finally full fledged, union represented flight attendants! As one senior mama whimsically told me one flight, now we’ll basically have to murder someone to get fired. I don’t know how true that is, but it was a comforting thought. What I do know is with this job, time flies like nobody’s business and its still hard to believe I moved to Charlotte and am jetting all over the world. It’s almost exactly a year since I applied to be a flight attendant, thinking it would be fun but I’d probably never hear back about my application.
At the probationary meeting, my supervisor let me read the letters from passengers over the months that I received in regard to the good job I was doing. One was from an elderly lady who took her first flight with us, and said I had taken good care of her and calmed her fears. Little things like this are so encouraging. I asked my supervisor for more information about commuting and getting a line, and he seems to think the proposed merger with American Airlines will help a lot with moving up in the ranks. We’ll see whether that happens or not! It was also really fun to see the other flight attendants from our class; we all were delighted to see each other make it to the 6 month mark and prove our mettle in the airline world.
Until next time, catch me if you can!